Tuesday, January 21, 2014

New www.catur.org Look

Have you surfed catur.org website?

What is the website is all about? Basically, it is the one-stop center for Malaysian chess blogs. GiLoCatur will visit the website as often as possible to check on new updates on chess by Malaysian chess bloggers. 

catur.org 2014 new look

The website has the new look as GiLoCatur surfed it several minutes ago. Thanks ANDREW aka Gilachess for the new look. Whaaaaaat? You don't know who Gilachess is?


1 comment:

GilaChess said...

Wow it's embarrassing to see my face out there like that.

Anyway thanks for the plug. The "new look" is just me trying out a new template. Not permanent as still not too happy with it and may go back to the "old" look..