Encik Abdul Latif (IA) dah terangkan secara detail syarat-syarat nak dapatkan FIDE-rated untuk tournament chess. Sila ke laman blog beliau untuk mengetahui apa syarat2nya di http://sifumycatur.blogspot.com/2009/01/fide-rated-tournaments.html
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
MMU Melaka Chess Open - BUKAN FIDE-rated tournament!
GiLoCatur memohon maaf kerana tersalah maklumat berkenaan MMU Melaka Chess Open. Sebenarnya, tournament tersebut bukanlah FIDE-rated event. Sememangnya di Malaysia tidak banyak FIDE-rated tournament. Menurut Encik Abdul Latif, di antara beberapa syarat utama untuk pertandingan FIDE-rated adalah :
- 30% peserta mestilah pemain-pemain yang ada FIDE rating
- bayar yuran sebanyak 400 USD, hampir RM 1,500
Pada pandangan GiLoCatur, memang syarat-syarat di atas agak berat bagi kebanyakan pengajur chess tournament di negara ini kerana selalunya bajet yang kecil.
Berkenaan dengan syarat-syarat (requirement) nak mendapatkan FIDE rating yang selama ini GiLoCatur pun masih kurang jelas, berikut adalah kaedahnya.
- Perlu berlawan dengan 9 pemain yang ada FIDE-rating.
- 9 permainan tersebut dibahagikan kepada 3 kumpulan yakni 3 permainan untuk setiap kumpulan (grouping).
- Setiap permainan rated tersebut tak kan ada maknanya jika sekurang-kurangnya 1 point diperolehi dari 3 permainan kumpulan pertama, 1/2 point diperolehi dari 3 permainan kumpulan kedua dan 1/2 point dari 3 permainan kumpulan ketiga.
1) Katakan GiLoCatur bermain di dua kejohanan catur bertaraf FIDE-rated. Dalam kejohanan pertama GiLoCatur tak bertemu lansung pun dengan pemain FIDE-rated. Jadi tak ada norm pun yang GiLoCatur dapat. Kemudian dalam kejohanan kedua, GiLoCatur dapat lawan 4 orang pemain yang ada FIDE rating, tapi hanya dapat 1/2 point daripada ke empat-empat permainan tersebut. GiLoCatur masih tak dapat norm lagi sebab perlukan sekurang-kurangnya 1 point untuk 3 permainan kumpulan pertama. Point lawan pemain-pemain yang tak ada FIDE rating tak kira.
2) Kemudian GiLoCatur bermain dalam kejohanan bertaraf FIDE berikutnya. Dalam kejohanan tersebut GiLoCatur bertemu dengan 5 orang pemain yang ada FIDE rating. Dapat 1 1/2 point pula dari 5 permainan tersebut. Baru GiLoCatur dapat norm rating. GiLoCatur hanya perlukan 4 FIDE-rated games lagi dan score 1/2 point untuk lengkapkan norm dan dapat rating FIDE.
3) Atau katakan GiLoCatur sertai satu kejohanan FIDE-rated. Dalam kejohanan tersebut GiLoCatur lawan 9 orang pemain yang ada FIDE rating dan score 2 point. Ini bermakna GiLoCatur dah cukup norm untuk dapat FIDE rating sebab 1 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 2.
Begitulah lebih kurang macam mana nak dapatkan FIDE rating. Ada faham ke? hehehe Harap tidak confuse.
So, sekarang bila dah faham macam mana nak dapat norm FIDE rating, bolehlah GiLoCatur merancang untuk dapatkan FIDE rating untuk anak-anak. Semoga anak-anak GiLoCatur berjaya dapat FIDE-rating dalam jangkamasa DUA tahun. Wish me and my children luck!
MMU Melaka Open Chess Tournament

Date : 28th of February 2009 to 1st of March 2009
Venue : Exam Hall, MMU Melaka Campus
Campus address : Multimedia University (Melaka Campus),
Bukit Beruang, 75400, Ayer Keroh, Melaka.
Registration fee : Individual Registration : RM 20 per person. *(Excluding food and
Tournament Schedule

1st Place - RM 1000 + Trophy
2nd Place - RM 600 + Trophy
3rd Place - RM 300 + Trophy
4th Place - RM 200 + Medal
5th-10th - RM 100 + Medal
Rules and Regulations
- FIDE 7 Round Swiss System.
- The maximum of participants 120 players.
- A team of 4 players for institution, school or a public group.
- Age is taken as of 1st of January 2009.
- Each game will have a time control of 45 minutes per side.
- A walkover/win to opponent after 30 minutes.
- Players that are absent without a valid reason will be removed in the next round.
- Players are to record their moves.
- The arbiter’s decision is final. However, participants may appeal within 15 minutes of the subjected game. A fee of RM 50 will be charged. This fee will not be returned if the appeal fails. An appeal committee will be formed.
- The organizing committee reserves the right to make amendments or any changes to the rules and regulation if the need arises.
To register, send an email to mmu.chessclub@gmail.com and cc it to leanjee@gmail.com/ladyfinger87@yahoo.com . State your name, identity card no, contact number, and institution (or group name). FIDE rating / National Rating be stated..
Payment latest by 12pm on the 28th of February 2009. Late registration pay a penalty of RM 5. Payment can be made to Ms Lee Pei Swan through Maybank Account Number 104068129647
Accommodation can be arranged for at hotels.
Arrangements for transportation from Melaka Sentral Bus terminal. State your time of arrival.
Enquiries: Ngow Lean Jee 017 - 3997450 Yong Gwo-Liang 016 - 2086504
Two More Local Chess Blogs
It is very encouraging to have two more local chess blogs in the net. GiLoCatur is honoured to be invited as a contributor, as well as a consultant, in one of the blogs. The two blog are :

The SIFU.mycatur blog is created and maintained by Encik Abdul Latif Mohamad, one of Malaysian IAs (International Arbiter). The effort is tremendous and very good to our local chess industry since he is very experienced and knowledgable especially in organizing and arbitering chess tournaments. Moreover, he can offer a venue i.e. KL Braille Training Center for any chess tournament. So check out his blog at http://sifumycatur.blogspot.com/.

It is very common scenario in most schools in Malaysia where not many school chess club teachers are very supportive to their chess-loving pupils. GiLoCatur urges to all school chess club teachers in Malaysia to provide a very strong support like having chess sets and digital clocks, providing chess coaching and training, and providing chess news, infos and tournaments to their pupils to help chess development in the country. With such efforts Malaysia will have bright future in chess and can be dominant in world chess like Vietnam and Philippine where they have many GrandMasters (GM). A salute to all determined and suportive teachers to chess in Malaysia.
For the two new bloggers in the block, AL and Nabil, GiLoCatur says Welcome Aboard! Hope they can be a very consistant bloggers where their blogs are always updated. For all local chess lovers, let's support their blogs by visiting them and providing positive feedbacks.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
CNY Tournament Update - Day 2

Above are the winners for the CNY 2009 Open. In the Open category, the top 3 winners :
1) Zarul Syafiq Zulkafli (6.5 pts) - RM 500 + hamper
2) Mohd Fadli Zakaria aka Stonemaster (5.5 pts) - RM 350 + hamper
3) Salman Mistam (5.5 pts) - RM 250 + hamper

The full Final Results as the above.

Pairing Round 4

In Round 6, GiLoCatur met a young boy named Mohd Noor Azam on board 33. GiLoCatur thought could win the game but unfortunately it was otherwise. What a tournament for GiLoCatur. Basically, GiLoCatur lost all the games, just won a game for absent player. All the players participated in the tournament are quality ones even the kids. Actually, it is a good sign for Malaysian chess.
70 players had participated in the CNY tournament. Some come from far like JB, Seremban and Alor Star. Some just make comeback to chess tournaments. GiLoCatur had few discussions with some of the players on local chess topics and issues. How chess can be improved in Malaysia. How chess can be developed and promoted. How Malaysia can be in the world chess map.
Another thing, few had asked about GiLoCatur's orange shirt where at the back of it displayed GiLoCatur and its chess blog address. Maybe such t-shirt can be a sell item to unite all Malaysian chess players and lovers. :)-
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Chess Tournament - Hari Wilayah
1. Hari Wilayah Open Chess 2009
*For under NR 1600 only*
Date : 31 Januari 2009 (Saturday)
Venue : Taman Titiwangsa KL
Organizer : DBKL and KL Braille
- Entry RM 25 (Lunch provided) State rating.
- Register by phone at 03-4022 0046.
- Payment to CIMB 1419-0000-0221-01 for first 100 players only by 28 January 2008
- Total prize RM2,500.
- 6 Rounds Swiss 20 mins with 8.00 am registration.
*For OKU only*
Date : 1 Febuary 2009 (Sunday)
Venue : Taman Titiwangsa KL
Organizer : DBKL and KL Braille
- Entry RM 10
- 5 Round Swiss 45 Mins
- Registration at 8.00 am
- To register by email at sifu.mycatur@gmail.com
Monday, January 26, 2009
CNY Tournament Update - Day 1

Pairing Round 1

Pairing Round 2
Sibblings Nabil and Najiha were among those who suffered defeat in the first round. Nabil lost to Herman Rahman whereas Najiha lost Muhammad Hafiz. Herman continued his winning streak againts Azman, Nabil's father, in Round 2.

Pairing Round 3
Roslan Sulaiman with whom GiLoCatur had a sparring game on 24th January night and Syed Iskandar were among the perfect scorers i.e. 2 points entering Round 3.
As for GiLocatur family, the results on Day 1 is not impressive. GiLoCatur and daughter, Anis, lost all the three rounds. GiLoCatur had a very tough fight in Round 3 againts Che Hafiz on last board he he he ... As for GiLoCatur's son, Fikri, only one game won. Staying in a hostel really takes a stroll on him. He got drowsy and headache in the hot climate since the tournament venue has yet have air-condition. Hopefully, on Day 2 with four games to play GiLoCatur's family will get better results.
GiLoCatur was playing white againts Maisarrah Noor Akbar in Round 1. GiLoCatur was defeated by the girl in the endgame. In chess, age is not a barrier. A young player can outplay an adult player provided he or she has what it takes to do so. GiLoCatur had less than 3 minute while the girl had 30 minutes in one point. It is important to have enough sleep for a chess tournament since GiLoCatur slept late last night. But anyway GiLoCatur still happy with the play because no big blunder made he he he ..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
“Jalan-Jalan Main Catur” Package

Please go to http://www.bangkokchess.com for more details on the tournament.
For more details about the package please contact or send email to him :
Mobile : 012- 6112 012
Email: ttt@tamimitours.my
Website : www.tamimitours.my
MSN : tamimitours@live.com
Venue for CNY Open Changed
Monday, January 19, 2009
Attractive Prizes for Klang Chess Open

For category 1 (Rapid Open), 15 prizes are to be won for the Open section whereas 10 prizes for JAIS players. In total for the 25 prizes, RM 3,550 (RM 2, 200 + RM 1,350) is allocated for this category.

For Category 2 (Rapid Age-group), 10 prizes totalling RM 1,350 is for the Under 18 players to win. While for Under 10, both Open and Jais, there are 15 prizes each. In total, RM 2,160 is the amount for Under 12 categories.
There are also several consolation prizes to be won. So lots and lots of prizes for the tournament.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
17ChessClub Chess Activity @JAYATI Restaurant

On 16th January 2009, several Malaysian chess lovers gathered at Jayati Restaurant located in Section 17, Shah Alam to have chess games. They began their chess battle at 8.30pm. In USA and UK, it is normal to have chess tournaments at nights. Here we may also consider to have chess tournaments at nights to attract more working Malaysians to participate. Just that working hours should be until 6.00 pm only he he he ...
Update for Klang Open
Update for Klang Chess Open
1. All participants now can also deposit entry fee for Klang Open 2009 to the newly-opened account as below :
Maybank Account No: 562067-507199, made payable to Biro Ekonomi Majlis Guru Besar Sekolah Agama Daerah Klang.
2. New Closing Date : 3rd February 2009.
3. New route map attached.
4. Info for public transport users ( How to get there - to Kg.Jawa ) :
~ From Klang Komuter Station - just 2.5km @ taxi rate RM5 - RM7 only.
~ From Klang Bus Station - just 3.5km @ taxi rate RM6 - RM8 only
Reminder :
Only paid entrance will be accepted!!
No entrance accepted after closing date!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sarawak 15-minute Blitz Tournament
Dear chess friends,
In response to the visit of Brunei Chess Team, Sarawak Chess Association will be organising Boulevard Rapid Chess Competition.
Date : 1 February 2009 (Sunday)
Venue : 2nd Floor, Boulevard Shopping Mall, Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli, Kuching
The fixture is as follows:
09:00 Registration
09:30 Opening
09:45 – 10:15 Round 1
10:15 – 10:45 Round 2
10:45 – 11:15 Round 3
11:15 – 11:45 Round 4
11:45 - 12:15 Round 5
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 – 13:30 Round 6
13:30 – 14:00 Round 7
14:10 – 14:30 Closing
Entrance fees :
- RM5/= for adults
- RM3/= for youth & ladies
Prizes are as follows:
Champion: 300/= + medal
Runner Up: 200/= + medal
2nd Runner Up: 100/= + medal
4th Placing: 80/=
5th Placing: 70/=
6th Placing: 60/=
7th Placing: 50/=
8th Placing: 40/=
9th Placing: 30/=
10th Placing: 20/=
Special prizes are available for each of the categories, namely 16 & under, 12 & under and ladies as follows:
Champion 50/=
Runner-up 30/=
2nd Runner-up 20/=
The competition will be played under time control of 15 minutes and 7-round Swiss system will be adopted.. Entries are limited to only 80 players on first-come-first-serve basis. Interested players may register with any of the followings before 28 January 2009
- Morsin Ahmad 012-894 9415 morsinab@sarawaknet.gov.my
- Abang Mohd. Reduan 019-888 7786 mdred_1@yahoo.com
- Lim Kian Hwa 016-860 3180 limkhwa@gmail.com
SMS or email is acceptable. Required information: Name, contact number, New IC No. (or Date of birth)
Lim Kian Hwa
President, Sarawak Chess Association
Friday, January 9, 2009
KLANG OPEN 2009 - A National-rated Event
Date : 7th February 2009 ( Saturday )
Time : 7.30 am – 6.00 pm
Venue : Pusat Sumber Pendidikan JAIS ( PSPJ ) , Jalan Bukit Jati,
KAMPUNG JAWA, KLANG, SELANGOR ( refer below map)
Time Control : 25 minutes per player
Entry Fees :
- RM15.00 – Under 12 Category
- RM20.00 – Under 18 Category
- RM25.00 – Open Category
- ZAMRI SAJARI 016 - 277 5005
- SYED ABD RAHMAN 012 - 248 4513
- AZHAR MS 012 – 679 6193
CLOSING DATE : 31 January 2009
Register through SMS, deposit entry fee to 'Badan Kebajikan Kakitangan PAID Klang' - Bank Islam Account No: 12010010017749 and fax bank slip to 03-33231319 before closing date ( 31 January 2009 ). ONLY PAID ENTRANCE WILL BE ACCEPTED.
STRICTLY : Registration Or Payment After Closing Date WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED!
Map to the tournament venue in Kampung Jawa, Kelang.

Chess Tournaments at The Northern Region
The following tournaments are scheduled as the following:
1) 15th USM Chess Open - Individual 10 & 11 Jan 2009, Team 17 & 18 Jan 2009
2) Kedah/ Percak Tournament - 24 Jan 2009
For more details, go to http://syedchess.blogspot.com/
CNY Open 2009
Details of the CNY Open
Date : 26 & 27hb. Januari 2009
Day : Monday & Tuesday
Day : Monday & Tuesday
Venue : KL Braille Training Center, No 134, Jalan Gombak KL
Registration : 9.30 am – 10.30 am (Monday)
Registration : 9.30 am – 10.30 am (Monday)
Tournament will start at 11.00 am (Monday)
7 rounds SWISS system. 45 minute time control.
Tournament Fees :
7 rounds SWISS system. 45 minute time control.
Tournament Fees :
- Open : RM 35.00
- Under 18 / Non-MSSKL student : RM 30.00
- MSSKL student :RM 25.00
Free drinks to all players (non-playing parents not included GiLoCatur presume) during the tournament.
*** Evidence and proof is required for school children of MSSKL schools, otherwise the fee will be similar to non-MSSKL student.
For further details and entry forms, please contact the following :
- Tel: 03-2021 6746 Fax: 03-6188 7950
- En. Suhairi 012 363 1591
- Rezal 013 364 1001
Ambank Acc No: 227-202-200248-9
The Prizes - RM 4,985.00.

11th CAS-OCTAGON 1st Quarter Allegro Championship 2009
Download below image, print it! Another national-rated chess tournament. Do not miss it Malaysian chess lovers. Pre-registration by e-mail to selangorchess@gmail.com is BEFORE 15 January 2009.
Last Call for JB's FRANK GOON CUP
2nd Frank Goon Cup 2009
Venue : City Square,Johor Bahru,Johore.
Time : 8.00am- 7.00pm
tournament system : 7 rounds swiss.
Date : 10 Jan 2009
Venue : City Square,Johor Bahru,Johore.
Time : 8.00am- 7.00pm
tournament system : 7 rounds swiss.
Date : 10 Jan 2009
Day : Saturday
categories:open, under 16,&under 12
open:1stRM1, 000 ,2ndRM600 ,3rdRM400 , 4thRM300 , 5thRM200
under16:RM200 , RM120 , RM80 , RM60 , RM30 x 6
under12:RM100 , RM80 , RM60 , RM50 , RM20 x 6
Entry fee:open RM25, U16 RM15, U12 RM10
categories:open, under 16,&under 12
open:1stRM1, 000 ,2ndRM600 ,3rdRM400 , 4thRM300 , 5thRM200
under16:RM200 , RM120 , RM80 , RM60 , RM30 x 6
under12:RM100 , RM80 , RM60 , RM50 , RM20 x 6
Entry fee:open RM25, U16 RM15, U12 RM10
Registration: Leong Mun Wan (leongmunwan@yahoo.com)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Chess Book Reviews
GiLoCatur found a link to chess articles and book reviews that may help chess lovers get info on a particular chess book to buy.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
GiLoCatur vs Wak Fatkur

Few hours ago, GiLoCatur had a a series of chess matches with an old buddy, Wak Fatkur at a mamak restaurant in BJ. Fatkur was active playing chess while studying in UiTM in early 90's. According to him, during his time UiTM was strong and dominant at MASUM. Before tonite, we had few matches but online. So, tonite was our first on board matches.
Round 1 - GiLoCatur played black. Wak Fatkur played white. GiLoCatur played very aggresive with quick moves. GiLoCatur was up 3 pawns, but was trapped by a strong bishop. GiLoCatur 0, Fatkur 1.
Round 2 - GiLoCatur played 1. d4 with white. Exchanged queens in the mid-game. Fatkur could not handle GiLoCatur's knight. He resigned after above position. GiLoCatur 1, Fatkur 1.
Round 3 - GiLoCatur was down two major pieces eventhough up few pawns. Nothing could be done when pieces attacked cohesively with threatening pawn. Moreover, GiLoCatur played 1.e4 opening; not 1.d4 as used to, just to experiment he he he ...

Round 4 - Both players queening but Fatkur got the first tempo. GiLoCatur really moved pieces very quickly as it was past 1.30 am already. Eventhough GiLoCatur was one major piece up i.e. bishop, Fatkur who controlled e- and g- files got the edge first. So, GiLoCatur 1, Fatkur 3. Surely, he was so happy as shown by his above picture. He agreed to participate in next chess rapid tournament. So, watch out guys ... Fatkur wants to make a chess comeback. :)-
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