Last night, GiLoCatur was contacted by Abdul Haq via facebook, a chess buddy. He shared the detail on the 5th Edition of Ole Ole Shah Alam Chess Open or its acronym OSACO which will be held on 27th November 2016.
The OSACO tournament is one of GiLoCatur's favourite ones. One simple reason is because the venue is in Shah Alam, the capital city of Selangor in which GiLoCatur have been staying since August 1997. In fact, GiLoCatur had been staying in Shah Alam from Jun 1986 until December 1988 as a college student.
GiLoCatur, on behalf of the organizer, would like to invite all the Malaysian chess community to come to Shah Alam to take part in the 5th OSACA tournament.
Below is the media release from Abdul Haq.
Assalamualaikum wbth &
Selamat Pagi kepada yang bukan beragama Islam.
Penganjur 5th OSACO 2016 berkongsi berita baik untuk penduduk Shah Alam dan peminat catur di luar kawasan untuk bersama2 menyertai kejohanan catur domestik bersifat terbuka Shah Alam.
Tarikh: 27 NOVEMBER 2016 (Masa: 9 pagi - 6 petang)
Lokasi: Seksyen 18, Shah Alam SELANGOR DE
Laman Rasmi:
Pelbagai hadiah untuk kategori bawah 12, Novis dan Terbuka, yang telah disumbangkan oleh Ole Ole Shopping Centre, Seksyen 18 Shah Alam. Semoga acara ini menjadi persinggahan terbaik untuk pemain catur berkumpul, bermain dan tidak lupa untuk berbelanja di Ole Ole Shah Alam.
Terima-kasih kepada sumbangan Ole Ole Shopping Centre, kerjasama Pintar Bestari Enterprise dan Kelab Catur & Dam Shah Alam yang memberikan sokongan moral dalam menjayakan acara ini.
Jumpa anda di sana.
Sekian, terima-kasih.
Abdul Haq Mohamed
Wakil Penganjur 5th OSACO 2016
Let's GiLoCatur share some of the info and updates on the past OSACO.
First Edition - 2009
As far as GiLoCatur remembers, GiLoCatur and the children just missed the fourth edition last year. The first edition was held on June 13th, 2009 and it was known as Ole Ole Shah Alam Chess Championship (OSACC). Unfortunately, GiLoCatur are missing most of the photos of the first three editions of the tournament. Below are several photos of the first edition.
GiLoCatur's youngest son is obviously took part in the tournament. He was seven years old then.
1st OSACC - photo 1 |
1st OSACC - photo 2 |
1st OSACC - photo 3 |
Who were the champions in the first edition?
NM Zarul Shazwan Zulkafli won the Open section, while the champion for the Under 12 category is Subramaniam Sivanesan.
Second Edition - 2010
The second edition of OSACC was held on July 10th, 2010. Ofcourse, the venue was at Ole Ole Shah Alam shopping mall situated in Section 18 of Shah Alam. Below are the photos of the tournament. Who became the champions in rescpective Open and Under 12 section? Let's the photos do the talking.
Under 12 Section |
U12 category Champion - Ng Jen Shen |
Open category Champion - Kamaluddin Yusof |
In this edition, GiLoCatur's eldest son, Fikri, won second place Best Under 18.
Third Edition - 2011
the Bunting |
the promo |
Obviously, GiLoCatur took part in the third edition as well as Fahim which was held on November 12th. We both had national ratings of 1400 during this time. Let's GiLoCatur share some story in this tournament through the photos from GiLoCatur's Photo Collection.
3rd OSACC - photo 1 |
GiLoCatur believes not many Malaysian chess community know the old man wearing kopiah in the above photo. Actually, the old man is Haji Salim from Pahang. He came all the way to the tournament from Pahang with his chess buddies. GiLoCatur salutes his love of chess. GiLoCatur had the chance to play against him a couple of times.
3rd OSACC - photo 2 |
The above games was one of GiLoCatur's in the tournament. GiLoCatur loves to take pictures during tournaments since normally GiLoCatur does not record the games of the rapid tournaments. From the angle of the picture taking, GiLoCatur played white for the game. Noticed the time on the chess clock? Ha ha ha .. Obviously, GiLoCatur thought too long for each move during the game.
3rd OSACC - photo 3 |
If not mistaken, FM Johan Iskandar Foudzi, the elder brother of WIM Siti Zulaikha was in the above photo. He took part in this tournament. He was the First Runner Up. IM Mas Hafizul Helmi was also seen in the above photo. He eventually emerged as the champion in the Open section.
3rd OSACC - photo 4 |
In the above photo was Mohamed Ismail (in black t-shirt) or popularly known as Max among the 17ChessClub members. Mas is the president of the 17ChessClub.
3rd OSACC - photo 5 |
Fahim, GiLoCatur's youngest son, was challenging Nithya, the eventual Under 12 champion, in the Under 12 category. He was nine years old at that time. Fahim managed to win the Best U12 Shah Alam.
The OSACA (prevously OSACC) tournament was not held from 2012 until 2014. Had the tournaments not skipped in these three years, it would be the eight edition this year.
Fourth Edition - 2015
GiLoCatur believes the pairings and results of this tournament was published for the first time on
Below are the links for the fourth edition to find out who became the champions and winners.
Open category
Under 12 category